如何使用优惠券/折扣码 How to Redeem the Coupon / Voucher / Promo Code
步骤 1 : 浏览西澳行网站选择欲订购的产品, 点搫"预订"按钮
STEP 1: Choose the tours you'd like to join and click "Book Now"
STEP 1: Choose the tours you'd like to join and click "Book Now"
步骤 2 : 进入产品订购页面选择欲订购的行程
STEP 2 : Choose the tour
STEP 2 : Choose the tour
步骤 3 : 选择欲订购的日期
STEP 3 : Choose the tour date
STEP 3 : Choose the tour date
步骤 4 : 在折扣码栏位输入折扣码, 右侧显示绿色表示折抵成功
STEP 4 : Enter the discount code into the field, a discount will appear in Green once you've successfully redeemed the Code.
STEP 4 : Enter the discount code into the field, a discount will appear in Green once you've successfully redeemed the Code.
步骤 5 : 完成付款程序即预订成功, 您将会收到系统确认信。
STEP 5 : After completing the payment process, the reservation is done and you will receive a system confirmation.
STEP 5 : After completing the payment process, the reservation is done and you will receive a system confirmation.